Seven things meme

Terri has tagged me (actually a little while ago, but I have been slow at thinking up things which are at least vaguely of interest but which I haven’t mentioned 40 times before).

To participate you
Link to the person who tagged you.
List seven facts about yourself.
Post the rules on your blog.
Tag seven more people to do the same and link to them.
Let each person know they’ve been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
Let the tagger know when your entry has been posted.

So here we go:

  1. I have sung in the Royal Albert Hall. It is a great building, which I managed to notice even while being terrified! Our 9 person school madrigal choir won our category of the National Festival of Music for Youth, and all the winners got to perform in a big concert at the Albert Hall. As part of the same festival I have also played and sung in the Royal Festival Hall.
  2. I love carrots, they are definitely the best vegetable.
  3. I like most kinds of knitting, but the yarn has to feel nice.
  4. My longest project on the needles so far is 8 years for a beaded dress. Admitedly it has spent most of that time in a bag in the spare room. I really must dig it out and continue it at some point.
  5. I have taken Grade 8 on the trombone three times, and passed all three times.
  6. There is yarn in every room in our house except the bathroom and the kitchen 🙂
  7. I don’t like camping in a tent, altogether too much grass and not enough hot running water. I do like static caravans though.

I am never very good at the tagging thing, so if you would like to do this then consider yourself tagged! Let me know and I will enjoy reading it.

3 thoughts on “Seven things meme

  1. tutleymutley

    Fascinating, absolutely fascinating, Mr Spock.
    I can beat you on the longest project on the needles. I just threw one motheaten half knitted gansey away, after (wait for it!) over 20years languishing in attic. I have another half knitted gansey which has been sitting in bag for at least 15years. shameful isn’t it.
    carrots. grated, boiled, stirfried, infinitely versatile. I quite agree.
    also hadn’t realised you were sooo musical.
    Xfrom the very deaf terri


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