Daily Archives: November 26, 2012

Spinning sampling

At the end of October the Hampshire guild held a Wingham sampling day which I went along to. Similar to the one organised by the Kennet Valley guild that I attended earlier in the year, the idea is that you bring your wheel, pay a fee, and for that fee you can try as many bits of different fibres as you would like during the day.

Here are my samples knitted up, with the fibre they came from lined up below:

The two samples with no fibre next to them are tussah silk on the right, and possum/merino on the left (it came out a bit thicker and is distorting the knitting). The others are merino, or merino/silk. The merino/silk are the ones with the shiny white flecks.

I have really enjoyed seeing how the colours change as you progress from fibre to spun yarn to knitting. It has been a very useful experience, and I am starting to get more of a feel now for how colours mix together and what I do and don’t like. I am looking forward to having a play with my drum carder soon and making my own mixtures.