Back in February I went to a very fun workshop with Felix held at Purlescence in Wantage. The theme was using our favourite everyday objects or views as inspiration for stranded colourwork knitting.
I took along a Williamson tea caddy that was a present from my mum. I love the shape, the colours and the patterns on it, and I love a good cup of tea. I was keen to see how to go about using it for knitting inspiration.
We were each given a book of squared paper for our experiments and a very helpful handout, and then let loose on an enormous selection of different colours of Jamieson and Smith Shetland 2ply Jumper Weight. Felix gave us very good advice on tweaking our colour choices and pattern designs so that they would work well in stranded knitting. She was also incredibly helpful in getting me to actually see the many many colours that were in my tin, and to encourage me to play with colours I don’t usually go for.
Here is the tin and what I knitted on the day.
It was very liberating just playing with colour and pattern, and with no constraints that it had to actually be suitable for a garment or be anything I would actually wear.
It was very addictive stuff and after a week or playing I ran out of yarn and so decided to declare my swatch finished 🙂
As you can see I have gone with the more is more school of colour selection 🙂
I really enjoyed playing around with colours and different patterns. I’m not sure yet that this swatch is going to lead into anything directly, but it was good fun and I may well come back to it at some point.
It was also really interesting to see the variety of different inspiration sources the other participants had brought, and the lovely colourwork that they created. Lots of great ideas.
Heather, that’s just FABULOUS. This is why I love to swatch––no constraints. I have to admit though, lately I’ve fallen into a bit of a rut, because “constraint thinking” took over; your post is inspiring. And by the way, those colors would look good on you; I can especially see the top pattern.
I have some fine china of my great aunt’s that I’m using and the colors are “very different” from what I would wear. It’s blue-gray and white with small silver leaves and a small rose in the center of the plate. Woot! It’s given me an excuse to buy some Jamieson & Smith yarn.
Pray for me.
Thank you 🙂 I too love swatching, but often find that I am swatching with half a mind on producing something that I would actually wear, so it was very free-ing to just play with no constraints at all. Very good fun 🙂
Good luck with your knitting inspired by your great aunt’s china. That sounds like such a lovely idea, a wonderful opportunity to break out of your colour comfort zone (I know I have been stuck in purple / green / turquoise for years!) and to celebrate objects special for your family. Any excuse to buy more J&S yarn is always good too 🙂
Happy knitting