The recipients of these two elephants have been born! Polly and Emma were born on Monday. Congratulations Jenny and Chris!
Second sleeve
The second sleeve is now finished to the armhole.
Here is the view along the top of the sleeve.
And the underneath.
Back to the body now. There are only about 30 rows to go before I join the sleeves into the body and start working on the yoke!
I have a stinking cold today so am hoping that nice bright knitting will be a good antidote.
More fibrey aquisitions
World of Wool had a 10% off everything January sale which I didn’t quite manage to resist. These lovely goodies arrived last week.
First 200g of 70% Bluefaced leicester, 30% tussah silk.
I am planning to dye this and then experiment with spinning some 3ply for socks I think.
Next 200g of 70% 23 micron merino, 30% tussah silk.
Again I am planning to dye this and spin some 3ply for socks. I am interested to compare it to the bfl and see how they differ in taking the dye, spinning and how well they wear as socks.
I am hoping that the silk will add strength to the wool, but without drastically reducing the elasticity. That is the plan at any rate, we shall see!
Lastly I got 300g of 70% 18.5 micron merino, 30% mulberry silk.
This is the supersoft version of the other merino / silk mix.
I think I will try spinning this one first and then dyeing it. I think I will try and spin a 2ply lace weight, and then make it into some kind of a shawl. I am hoping that writing my thoughts down here I will remember what I was thinking of doing with it all by the time I get round to spinning and knitting it!
Wool from seaweed (via sheep)
In a bid to expand my fibre knowledge I have just received some lovely North Ronaldsay fibre from Scottish Fibres. This is the breed of sheep from North Ronalsay in the Orkney Islands, which lives on the outskirts of the island and eats seaweed. It is a nice soft fibre, although not the smoothest. I think it will make quite a hairy textured yarn.
I have 200g in white, and 200g in brown. The plan is to spin them up separately, then dye the white (although I’m not sure what colour yet), then knit a hat in the two colours. There was an interesting double layer hat in a fairly recent issue of Spin Off that I thought looked quite interesting.
The last elephant
I have finished elephant number ten, the last elephant for a while. No more of my friends are allowed to have children for a while, I am feeling a bit elephanted out.
I used Opal 6ply again. This yarn has a vast number of metres on a 150g ball. I have managed to knit two elephants and a camel out of one ball and there is still some left over!
I used 3mm needles again. This yarn is a little thinner than the Patons yarn I used for some of the elephants, and could probably have been made on 2.75mm needles for a slighly smaller animal, though he would have been harder to stuff then. The pattern (in case you can possibly have forgotten) is Elijah.
First sleeve
I have been knitting like a maniac for the last week, and have now finished the first sleeve to the underarm!
Here is the top of the sleeve.
And here is the underneath, where you can see the shaping.
I am really pleased with how it is coming along. The sleeve has been gratifyingly speedy in comparison to the body too 🙂
I have cast on for the second sleeve, but this week is a bit more busy so my progress will be a little slower.
Red merino
It seems very appropriate that I was spinning festive red merino over Christmas. This was the stuff I carded using Lisa’s drum carder. The original fibre was merino top in scarlet and crimson. There was slightly more crimson in the mix than scarlet because it turned out I wasn’t very good at estimating equal quantities.
I spun a 3ply, DK weight, 11 wpi, and have 146g which is 298m. Here is a (rather blury) closeup.
I had some of the uncarded merino left over, and thought it would be interesting to spin the singles in separate colours and then ply them together, and compare how this differed from the fibre that had been carded. So I spun two singles in the scarlet, and one crimson (luckily I had almost precisely twice as much scarlet as crimson), and plied them altogether in a 3ply.
Again DK weight, 11wpi, there is 53g and 116m. Here is a closeup where you can see the different coloured plies.
These are going to be part of my handspun leaves waistcoat. I am looking forward to seeing how the two different yarns knit up. The carded yarn is definitely lumpier (due to my lumpy carding), and wasn’t as nice to spin as the uncarded top. The uncarded yarn looks stripey in the yarn (although because the colours are quite similar it looks less stripey from a distance), but the colour mix is more even than in the carded yarn, and I will be interested to see whether they are a lot more similar once knitted.
Nearly at the armholes
We have had a quiet weekend here after the excitement of last week. My sister, Annie, and her husband, Andy, came to stay with us from Wednesday til Friday which was lovely. They have lived up the road from us for about 8 years, but moved to New York on Friday for 2 years with Andy’s job. The packers came and took all their stuff (including anything to sit on or sleep in) on Wednesday so it made sense for them to come and stay in our spare room while they sorted out the last of the cleaning and tidying up before their new tenants arrived. It was a lovely opportunity to see a bit more of them too without them having to take out too much time from their hectic list of things which needed to be done. I have had a check round and don’t think they have left anything behind, except for one blank CD, and I think they can probably live without that 🙂
It has made a rather symmetrical bookend to their time in Surrey. When they first moved down here, about a year after we moved in, they came and lived with us for several months while they settled into their new jobs and worked out where they wanted to live.
Over the quiet weekend (why is it the house always seems quieter just after visitors have left, even though it is exactly the same as it was before they arrived?), I have been jogging along with my jumper. It is very addictive, just one more round to see how the colours will look, just another couple of rounds to the next decrease.
I am very pleased with the results so far. Apologies for the not particularly good photo, you can click to enlarge it which makes it a bit better. It is rather grey and gloomy again here, though definitely warmer and drier than last week. A nice brightly coloured bit of knitting is definitely a good antidote to the weather 🙂
I am now about 30 rounds from the underarm, but am going to put the body on hold for a bit while I knit the sleeves. Then come back and finish up the body and then attach the sleeves. This seems to make sense, at least in my head. It seems a good moment to have a pause from the body as I have just finished my first ball of dark green yarn. I am pretty impressed at how much I have managed to knit with only 100g! I think that is about 105 rounds. I dyed 500g of the dark green just to be on the safe side, but I think at this rate I will probably end up using somewhere between 300g and 400g. Better to have too much than not enough, I am glad I have some extra to play with.
Christmas goodies
We had a lovely Christmas at Paul’s parents. Lots of food, board games and good company. Unfortunately this year Paul’s nana came down with a cold just before Christmas and so didn’t come to stay. Hopefully we will see her and catch up before too long. We saw my parents in the middle of December when they stayed with us while doing their pre-Christmas relative visit. We were going to have Ashby-Family-Christmas on the second weekend of January, but have postponed it for a bit because of the snow.
I really enjoy our spread-out Christmas celebrations. There is more opportunity to savour the time together, rather than feeling that you are on a visiting treadmill with no time to actual spend in each others company. I like to spread the fun out, and enjoy it for as long as possible 🙂 It makes for a more relaxed time, and also the chance to do things you have been wanting to have a go at but been putting off.
I took Suzie along for Christmas, and had a lovely time spinning away while Paul read his book, Paul’s dad did his crossword, and Paul’s mum worked on her tapestry weaving. Paul’s mum had a go on Suzie too and made some very respectable yarn, which I completely forgot to photograph.
As part of my Christmas present I got some lovely knitty and spinny things. From my mum a skein of Debonnaire sock yarn, 100% superwash merino, 100g, 365m. I think the colour is called passion / envy but the band is hand written and I am having a bit of a failure on the handwriting!
The colours are actually a bit darker in real life. Lovely saturated jewel tones. Yum!
She also got me a bag of guanaco fibre from Texere, and two sample bags of silk fibre from Winghams.
The guanaco is the wild relative (possibly ancestor) of the llama, and looks really interesting. I think there are still some guard hairs in this fibre, but it still feels very very soft. The silk is unbelievably luscious, and the colours beautiful. It is so shiny and squidgy!
My sister and her husband gave me a lovely surprise pressie from their holiday in Scotland. A skein of Angora Ecosse, from a farm they visited.
The label is a bit lacking in detail but I am guessing it is about a 4ply weight, 100g, and probably an angora / wool mix. I think I might make a little cowl, there seem to be a lot of nice patterns about at the moment.
Oddments elephant
Another elephant! This one using the left overs of Patons Fairytale Colour 4 Me in yellow, blue, and green.
3mm needles as before. The pattern is Elijah.
And specially for Rosie, who wondered whether I was going to decorate the Christmas tree with elephants:
This is the tree at my in-laws house as we didn’t have a Christmas tree this year.
The pattern very conveniently uses almost exactly 1.5 balls of the Patons yarn, meaning that having knitted three solid coloured elephants I had enough left overs for a multicoloured one. I like how he has come out, although it would have been nice to have enough yellow for yellow ears rather than green. However I do think the green ears make him quite individual 🙂