Stitches East Part 1

I’m back and still rather jet-lagged. I had a fantastic time, learned loads and met lots of lovely people. My brain still feels rather full from all the new information and things to think about and process. Meeting so many knitters and seeing what they are working on and have made is incredibly inspiring too, I have come home with so many ideas, and things I want to try out. I will attempt to write about the whole thing in a vaguely coherent manner, but apologies if I don’t manage it 🙂

We flew into Baltimore airport on Monday afternoon to give ourselves enough time for a spot of sight-seeing and time to adjust to the new time zone before Stitches itself. We were so lucky that although it had been rather cloudy as we flew over the Atlantic it had mostly cleared by the time we came down the east coast of Canada and the US. I love the perspective you get when flying (this is marred only slightly by the fact that I get travel sick on almost every mode of travel I have tried – walking is ok 🙂 ). Flying is, to me, still rather a novelty and I love to look out the window at all the scenery. It really brought home to me the contrast between the UK (particularly the South-East of England where I live) and the bits of the US and Canada that we flew over. Everything is on a much large scale over there, and is so spread out. It was also fascinating to see the difference in colours. Here at home autumn is just starting, the leaves are yellowish, just starting to turn a pale brown. When we took off it was overcast and the area around Heathrow is largely shades of grey with all the roads and houses, with greenish yellows and yellowish browns of the trees. Canada in contrast seemed to be mostly rich dark brown, dark red and dark purple. It reminded me rather of the heather (the plant that is, not me 🙂 ) on the North York Moors at this time of year. As we got further south the land became progressively greener, but still with a wide variety of rich variations. You could make some great colourwork garments inspired by landscape colours.

When we first landed I got my first shock of the trip, it was so hot! I had been reading the weather forecast for a few days before we set off to see what kind of thing we needed to pack (thereby perpetuating the assumption that the British are obsessed by the weather 🙂 ), but I had been convinced I was reading it wrong. On Monday afternoon when we arrived it was 31 degrees C and humid, and stayed that way for the first couple of days. I was very glad I packed my shorts and sandals 🙂

On Tuesday and Wednesday we did the tourist thing in Washington, D.C. and saw some of the famous sights.

CapitolThe Mall WashingtonThe White House

If you are in the area I can really recommend the National Museum of Natural History (one of the Smithsonian museums, and free to go into). Then on Thursday to Sunday I went to Stiches while Paul continued with the touristing.

Registration for Stitches started at 8am on Thursday but I wasn’t up quite that early. I went to sign up shortly after 9am, and the queues were not too bad at that point although growing.

Registration Queue

At 10am there was the Opening Day Presentation, entitled A Yarn’s Life with Barry Klein, Fontelle Jones and Dana Hurt. This was a very interesting presentation on yarn from the perspectives of a manufacturer, yarn shop owner, and knitwear designer. I found the technicalilties of how they make the yarn particularly fascinating, Barry showed a slide-show including pictures of several of the machines used in creating his yarns (Trendsetter Yarns). It was great to see the huge cylinders with dye-soaked shaped sponges around them that they use to dye space-dyed yarn. I had always assumed that was roughly how it worked but it was great to see it in action. I would love to go to a factory one of these days and see it all in real life.

After the presentation there was a lunch which included a wall of yarn provided by the yarn companies which sponsor Stitches. The idea was that each of the skeins had been cut into approx. 3 foot lengths, so that each attendee could take a length of the yarns they liked and create their own Ultimate Stash Guide (we were given a little booklet which had details of the yarn, and selotape was available for people to stick their yarns next to the right description). It was a great idea but a bit of a scrum! The lunch was my first opportunity to really see how many knitters there were, and the answer is a lot! I had arrived for the opening presentation about half an hour early and sat near the front so I didn’t really see quite how full the room got.

Wall of YarnOpening Day Lunch

Thursday afternoon was my first workshop, but more of that later. This has turned into rather an epic post so I think now is a good moment to pause. Workshop reviews coming soon.

Stitches East

The homework is done, I have made the important decision of which knitting to take (the sock in progress, plus yarn for another two pairs on the off-chance that I should run out!), and I have nearly finished the packing. We are flying out to Baltimore for Stitches East tomorrow and I am ridiculously excited! Have a great week all, I know I will. All those going to Ally Pally, have a great time and stroke some yarn for me 🙂

Three Deep Waves Beaded Bracelet Pattern

This opulent beaded bracelet, based on garter stitch (knit every row), is quick and easy to work up, and an excellent introduction to knitting with beads. The beads added on every row give a three-dimensional quality to the piece, and the weight of the beads give the bracelet a great drape. The shape of the bracelet is created by varying the number of beads on each row. The beads themselves lie between the stitches so the number of knitted stitches remains constant on each row, eliminating the need for shaping within the knitted fabric.

Skills needed

  • Cast on
  • Cast off (bind off)
  • Knit
  • Place a bead between knit stitches (instructions included in pattern)


  • 1 x 10g (82m / 91 yds) ball Anchor Pearl Cotton No. 8 (also called Coton Perlé) in green (One 10g ball will make several bracelets)
  • 1740 (approx. 18g) x size 11 seed beads in green
  • Two 1.25mm (US Size 0000) knitting needles
  • 1 x 9mm (0.4 inch) press-stud (snap fastener)
  • Sewing needle and thread of a similar colour to your knitting cotton
  • Beading needle and length of sewing thread to aid threading of beads

Yarn substitutions

Any other crochet cotton of a similar thickness would be appropriate. A non-stretchy yarn works best for this design since otherwise the weight of the beads would distort the bracelet.

Finished size

The finished bracelet measures 17cm (6.75 inches) long, is 3.75cm (1.5 inches) wide at the widest point, and 2cm (0.75 inches) wide at the narrowest point.

Tension (gauge)

Approximately 7 stitches and 10 rows to 1cm in garter stitch (knit every row) using 1.25mm needles. The tension (gauge) for this pattern is not critical since plain knit rows can easily be added in. Add more rows immediately after the cast on before the pattern begins, and add a similar number of rows immediately before the cast off. If the bracelet is coming out too long, simply omit 2 rows (or 4 if it is going to be really long) from each section of the pattern.

This pattern is sold as an electronic file in PDF format. File size is 264 KB. The pattern has 5 pages. Once payment is received a link to a personalised website will be emailed to you for you to download your copy of the pattern. Please note this link will expire.

Price: £2.00 (This button will take you to a Ravelry page where you can buy the pattern, but you don’t need to be a Ravelry member for it to work)

Three Deep Waves Beaded Bracelet

Copyright Notice

All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only. This pattern, items made from this pattern or any portion of pattern or item may not be resold, or otherwise used for profit without express permission from the designer. This pattern may also not be distributed for free by any individual or shop without permission.

Bits and pieces

I can’t believe it is October already, the last few weeks seem to have just zipped by, and it has definitely grown colder and darker. Good knitting weather, but I find the darkness does make me feel more tired. The last couple of weeks have been full of little bits and pieces, so a few updates in no particular order:


I’m in! My username is HeatherMurray (I am so original!). After an initial flurry of activity I have stalled rather, but am looking forward to doing some more updating. It seems a great resource from what I have investigated so far. I particularly like being able to look at all the projects people have made from a particular yarn, and also seeing all the different yarns used for a particular pattern.

Stitch and Creative Crafts Show at Sandown Park

On Friday 21st September I went to the Stitch and Creative Crafts Show at Sandown Park, Esher. This isn’t as big as the Knit, Stitch and Creative Crafts Show that they hold at the same venue in January, and there isn’t as much knitting as you could probably guess from the title 🙂

Nevertheless it was an enjoyable morning, and I managed to find a few things to take home with me 🙂 (as usual click on the picture to view yarn in even greater glory)

Yarn from Sandown Park

The package is 20 balls of Jaeger Matchmaker Merino 4ply in purple (actually the photo only shows 10 of them), bought from Black Sheep. The red and white are DK weight acrylic from NKM Shows (no website as far as I am aware). They are for a christmas stocking for Ted (born a couple of months ago), the son of a friend. I knitted stockings for his two older sisters (pre-blog so I’m afraid no link) so he is getting one to match – except obviously it will have his name on it rather than either of theirs :-)I also met Tess and Les from Silkwood Angoras who were organising the knit and relax area, and had a nice chat to a couple of ladies who dropped by while I was volunteering.

Random other things

Does anyone know what has happened to BlueFaced, their website doesn’t seem to be working at the moment.

The suspense is killing me

Found you!

  • You signed up on July 8, 2007
  • You are #15012 on the list.
  • 80 people are ahead of you in line.
  • 18968 people are behind you in line.
  • 43% of the list has been invited so far

I think tomorrow will be the day. With the help of Dawn I have set up a flickr account, and already managed to use up 63% of the uploads allowed this month for a free account.

Speaking of tomorrow, I am going to the Stitch and Creative Crafts Show at Sandown Park. Anyone else going?

Owning up

In an earlier post I mentioned that part of the reason for knitting the stranded hat was as a practice for knitting Henry VIII. What I didn’t own up to was that I have already started. In fact I started some time ago, knitted about 3 inches and then put him aside to do other things, and he has been languishing in a pile on the lounge floor ever since. He has been there so long that I actually had to vacuum him before his little photo shoot.

Here he is in all his glory, looking not-quite-as-dusty as before:

Henry VIII

The yarn I am using is 4ply weight Shetland from Uppingham Yarns. This knits to a slightly tighter tension than the pattern recommends, and this along with the fact that I am between the two sizes written means I am making a few alterations. Also I am picky about how patterns match as the sleeve joins the body at the shoulder so I am not keen on this being a drop shoulder. The current plan is to make it a raglan – but I still have a bit of working out on graph paper to figure out how to achieve a nice flowing pattern up the yoke. I have plenty of time before I get far enough along with the knitting to need to worry about the shoulders!

To add insult to injury for poor old Henry, during his sojourn on the floor my Dad accidentally put a chair leg on his needles and sat on the chair. For those who haven’t met my Dad, he is not a small man, and is frequently mistaken for Father Christmas by small children (particularly in December) – the occupational hazard of having a white beard and looking jolly. The photo below doesn’t show it particularly well, but Henry’s needles got rather bent during the chair episode.

Henry’s bent needles

Henry has now been rescued from the floor and is currently enjoying the change of perspective afforded him by viewing the room from the arm of the settee. I haven’t actually got round to finding him a new needle and started the knitting yet but I feel his time is nearly nigh. One has to work up to these things.

One of these days I will own up to the project neglect being suffered by the beaded dress (I think 7 years and counting) but I need a few more cups of tea first.

Yarn Forward Magazine Corrections

You probably all know that I am the technical editor for Yarn Forward Magazine. Kerrie has been very busy and hasn’t had time to put the corrections I have been sending her for Issue 1 up on the Yarn Forward website yet, so as an interim measure I have set up a page here where you can download a pdf of the corrections so far. Please let people know if they are interested. I haven’t read Issue 2 properly yet but hopefully will get corrections for it up soon.

A grand day out

Mother and I spent a very enjoyable day yesterday at the Knitting and Stitching Show at the NEC near Birmingham. I didn’t go to this show last year when it started so this was my first time, and it wasn’t quite what I expected. I had been expecting basically the same exhibitors as go to Ally Pally and so was initially rather disapointed by the noticeable lack of some exhibitors, particularly Get Knitted and Jamieson’s who I had on my list of people I wanted to visit. All was not lost however, I discovered some new-to-me gems, and some old favourites, and had an unexpected opportunity to catch up with friends who I hadn’t realised were going to be there. All in all a very good day 🙂

Now onto the important subject of what did I buy 🙂 First up the books and magazines:


From left to right we have: Knitted Lace by Sonja Esbensen and Anna Rasmussen bought from The Home Workshop. This is a book of lace doilies, but I thought that knitted up in thicker yarn on larger needles they would make very nice shawls. Next is Designing Worksheets: Presentation Techniques for Textile Students by Jan Messent, bought from a company I now can’t remember the name of – something like Yorkshire Book Company (apologies to them for my utter lack of brain). This is to help with my City & Guilds course – presentation is something I find very difficult. Next along is the April 2005 edition of Lace, the magazine of the Lace Guild. They were giving away old issues for free and this one had photographs of the most fantastic knitted lace in it. They also had the original lace framed on the walls of the booth – very beautiful. Lastly on the right I finally have my copy of issue 2 of Yarn Forward Magazine.

Next up the yarn:


The packet of white yarn underneath is Spree by Sirdar (chunky weight, 60% cotton, 40% acrylic). This is going to be a surprise for a friend of mine. I’m not sure that she reads the blog but just to be on the safe side it is going to stay a secret for a while. I had a lovely discussion about this project with a very nice Irish lady and her daughter, and have got some good ideas that I need to try out now. The bottles at the back have nozzles and I thought I would get them to play with dyeing some yarn, they are from Art Van Go. The cone and the skein are both from Riverside Spinning (he doesn’t have a website as he doesn’t actually exist between the shows 🙂 ). The skein is undyed and is going to be part of my dyeing experiment, it is 100% wool and in thickness somewhere between a 4ply and a DK weight. Apologies for the darkness of the photo – it has been rather grey here today, this was the best of the photos I took. The rather dark cone is 100% wool, 4ply in shades of dark green. He had two cones so me and mother had one each.

More yarn:

More yarn

At the back we have a ball of Fortissima Colori Socka Color, colour: 2419, 75% wool, 25% polyamide, 4ply weight. This was from Web of Wool and will probably become socks. As will the two balls on the right, they are Admiral degrade by Schoppel Wolle, 75% wool, 25% polyamide, 4ply weight. The colours are 1309 and 1352 and they are from Knit ‘n’ Caboodle. You may have noticed that this yarn is suspiciously similar to Trekking sock yarn, and that is because it is made in the same factory and is to all intents and purposes the same (but not at the same price 🙂 ). Knit ‘n’ Caboodle were a company I hadn’t come across before and I am very glad I found them! Lovely helpful people and some very nice yarn – I am already composing my next order. The final yarn at the front left is Pura Lana Ecologica from Uppingham Yarns. This is an aran weight 100% organic wool yarn, the colours I got are called Mushroom and Earth which makes them sound not nearly as desirable as they actually are! This yarn is beautifully soft and cuddly, I got two balls of each colour and think I am going to make a nice cosy hat for the winter. At £2.00 for a 50g ball this seemed a very good buy.

I am also glad I found Knitting 4 Fun. Unfortunately by the time we got to them I was rather tired and incapable of making a decision. They had some absolutely beautiful Wool / Silk yarn but I couldn’t decide between the Kingfisher or the Teal Green, or decide how much I needed to buy. Luckily she sells online so I can work it all out in the comfort of home. Bev the owner was a delight to talk to and had a beautifully displayed stand – with a great view of the art at the entrance of the exhibition.

I found the whole show very inspiring, and the temptation to cast on for about 300 new projects is very great. I have managed to restrain myself so far but it is only a matter of time! I will be good and finish off my City and Guilds homework for Sunday first though – I have been putting off the drawing part of the homework but need to just bite the bullet and get on with it.

Basic Beaded Bracelet Pattern

Basic Beaded Bracelet

This simple beaded bracelet, based on garter stitch (knit every row), is quick and easy to work up, and an excellent introduction to knitting with beads. The beads added on every row give a three-dimensional quality to the piece.

Basic Beaded Bracelet Fastening

Skills needed

  • Cast on
  • Cast off (bind off)
  • Knit
  • Place a bead between knit stitches (instructions included in pattern)


  • 1 x 10g (82m / 91 yds) ball Anchor Pearl Cotton No. 8 (also called Coton Perlé) in brown (One 10g ball will make several bracelets)
  • 660 (approx. 8g) x size 11 seed beads in gold
  • Two 1.25mm (US Size 0000) knitting needles
  • A 1.25mm crochet hook (the size of crochet hook isn’t critical, although it is handy if it is a similar size to your knitting needles)
  • One small button
  • 1 beading needle and length of sewing thread to aid threading of beads

Yarn substitutions

Any other crochet cotton of a similar thickness would be appropriate. A non-stretchy yarn works best for this design since otherwise the weight of the beads would distort the bracelet.

Finished size

The finished bracelet measures 18cm long, not including the button or loop, and is 2cm wide at the widest point.

Tension (gauge)

Approximately 7 stitches and 10 rows to 1cm in garter stitch (knit every row) using 1.25mm needles.

The tension (gauge) for this pattern is not critical since plain knit rows can easily be added in. Add more rows immediately after the cast on before the pattern begins, and add a similar number of rows immediately before the cast off. If the bracelet is coming out too long, simply omit 2 rows (or 4 if it is going to be really long) from each section of the pattern.

Basic Beaded Bracelet Flat

This pattern is sold as an electronic file in PDF format. File size is 232 KB. The pattern has 4 pages. Once payment is received a link to a personalised website will be emailed to you for you to download your copy of the pattern. Please note this link will expire.

Price: £2.00 (This button will take you to a Ravelry page where you can buy the pattern, but you don’t need to be a Ravelry member for it to work)

Copyright Notice

All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only. This pattern, items made from this pattern or any portion of pattern or item may not be resold, or otherwise used for profit without express permission from the designer. This pattern may also not be distributed for free by any individual or shop without permission.


I’m afraid I have been overdoing it again, I had hoped to post more frequently now on the shiny new blog but this last week or so has rather worn me out. I shall hope to be at least a little more coherent here than I have been in general the past few days – I hope you know what I mean to write even if I don’t quite manage to articulate it as well as I would wish. Despite my best efforts I haven’t managed to wedge any extra hours in the day yet. Also I am having to reluctantly admit that not sleeping in an attempt to gain more time for other things isn’t a particularly good long term solution. I am working on it!

The stranded hat is crawling along – when I find those extra hours in the day I am going to use them for knitting. I have got to the second crown now so I feel the end is in sight.

Stranded Hat

The two-handed knitting is definitely starting to feel a lot more natural and I am looking forward to finishing this and branching out into something a bit more complex. Talking of new techniques, I learned out to knit back backwards at the Reading knitting group on Saturday – good fun and I’m sure it will come in useful, although after my last brush with entrelac (a very large very green coat knitted a very long time ago and now relegated to camping due to its vast size) I am still feeling a little scarred.

I can’t think of a clever way of changing topic now, so I will just wave my arms around and you can fill in a witty and intelligent segue in the conversation. The subject being that I am going to be at the Knitting and Stitching show at the NEC on Thursday with my Mum. Anyone else going? I can’t make Ally Pally this year so we thought we would try the NEC and see what it is like.

And on that note, given that I have irrevocably proved that I am way too tired to write a sensible blog post I am going to go to sleep.