Spiral rib socks for Lucy

I have just finished the spiral rib socks for Lucy (a friend’s 3 year old daughter), and here they are:

Spiral rib socks for Lucy Posted by Hello

They do look a little odd, being rather long and thin. The rib is really stretchy though so I hope that they will fit OK.

I am just about to embark on some oddment socks for me, I’m going to experiment a bit with having more stitches in the cuff and a longer foot and see if they will fit a bit better.

I finally got round to washing the swatch for my mitred t-shirt so when that dries I can measure it and see what tension I am getting and then cast on!

Russian join

Since I am knitting the spiral rib socks out of oddments of leftover sock wool I have had to change balls part way through the first sock when I ran out of green, so I thought I would try the Russian join which I had heard about before but never tried. It was so much fun! And I really like the results, it is really not very noticeable (well apart from the drastic change of colour from green to pink!). I think I did get a little carried away and made the overlap rather too long, but it definately wont be coming apart! The upshot is that I am really taken with this way of joining in a new ball, and it would work with any yarn not just wool.

I’m also feeling very pleased with myself. On my way to give blood this afternoon I dropped into our local knitting shop / newsagents to get some more pins, and friday is the day the knitting lady works there so we had a bit of a chat, and she said she liked my poncho sweater which was getting its first outing. So I am very flattered 🙂

A very socky post

Well last night I finished the Regia Stretch socks I seem to have been knitting forever (although it did take me 3 tries to graft the toe!), and today I am wearing them! (see piccie below).

Regia Stretch socks Posted by Hello

I am not totally convinced by the Regia Stretch, because it is so stretchy I found it hard not to pull it too tight when knitting so these have come out rather closer than I normally make socks. Also I found I prefer slightly longer blocks of colour – to me the colour of these looks a bit bitty. I think with the next pair of socks I shall have a few experiments too, I think I shall make the foot about 5 rows longer and I’m still having trouble casting on too tightly, so I shall try casting on 25% more stitches and then decreasing after the cuff.

I had an email from Texere Yarns to say that my order has been delayed as they have had trouble with their suppliers. So in the meantime I have started a spiral rib sock made from oddments of sock wool for a friend’s daughter who is 3. I am hoping that the spiral rib will be a good choice as I am not quite sure how big her feet are and as there is no heel in this sock and the rib is very stretchy it will hopefully last a bit longer for fast growing feet.

Annie’s Cloche Hat

As I mentioned earlier, Annie, my sister came round at lunchtime for a consultation on her Cloche hat. This is a pattern from the Vogue Knitting on the Go: Caps and Hats book, although Annie is knitting hers in a DK weight wool/acrylic mix I have forgotten the name of. It is coming along really well, she came round as the circular needle she was working on had got too short so she is now borrowing my set of double pointed needles. The hat modeled complete with needles is below!

Annie’s cloche hat – nearly done Posted by Hello

Cloche hat from another angle Posted by Hello

Poncho Sweater with body inside!

Annie (little sis) came round this lunchtime for a quick knitting consultation on her cloche hat – more of that later, and kindly agreed to take pictures of me in my finished Poncho Sweater – so here it is! Please ignore the spade, upside down chair and unmowed lawn in the background 🙂

Heather modeling the Poncho Sweater Posted by Hello

Boo Hoo

I snapped one of my lovely rosewood sock needles 🙁

I got home from my french class and took my knitting out of the bag only to discover that one of the needles has snapped in half – I think I must have packed them badly. I am rather annoyed as they were nice needles. I have swapped to the ebony set though which are really nice to knit with, I think a little more slippery than the rosewood, and have just turned the heel and started on the foot of the sock. The yarns from Texere still haven’t turned up so at least I don’t feel that I should have finished this sock so I can start on my sister’s birthday pressie.

Sock Progress

We went for lunch with the in-laws today which was lovely. A nice bit of board game playing in the afternoon too, I lost moderately horribly but I enjoy the playing so that’s what counts!

I got some more of the sock done. I am just about to start the heel so it shouldn’t be too long to go now. I’ll post a picture when they are finished.

Anyway, time for bed I think. I’ll try to get more done tomorrow, in among ringing the plumber about the leaky pipe in the bathroom, doing my french homework for the evening class I go to, and reading up about the history of the Mathematics Association!

Mitred T-Shirt

My next project is going to be a mitred t-shirt for the summer, made out of some 4ply cotton I happen to have lying around in a bin bag in the computer room 🙂

While waiting for the poncho sweater to dry sufficiently that I can photograph myself in it I thought I would knit up a tension swatch and see what it came out like. So here it is:

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It is knitted in garter stitch on 3mm needles. I wasn’t sure about the ratio of depth of the stripes so I started off at the bottom with 4 rows navy, then 2 rows green, then changed to 6 rows navy and 2 rows green. I’m still not sure whether the stripiness will make me look like a deck-chair, hmm. I do have lots of different shades of blue and green so hopefully that will make it look more of a subtle gradation and less stripy. The green I used was slightly thicker than the blue but I must check the bag and see whether this was just this ball. They are each made up of several thinner strands wound together, so while the navy is a flat colour the green I used is actually made up of 4 strands of mid-green and one of a medium blue.

So anyway, the swatch is now waiting to be washed and dried to see if I like the fabric while I contemplate the general stripiness problem. In the meantime I am knitting a bit on a pair of socks I seem to have been making forever. I need to free up my needles for when my 4ply alpaca from Texere (http://www.texere.co.uk/) turns up, hopefully any day now!

In other news I had a jolly trip to the Fantasia today (http://www.jwaad.ndirect.co.uk/fan.html) but was remarkably restrained and bought only a lovely red/yellow/orange scarf thing and a malachite and silver pendant. I might get round to photographing them hopefully soon. I need to find a necklace for the pendant but I think I have one lurking somewhere. I haven’t quite worked out how to wear the scarf, as I’m more of a wooly scarf rather than a drapy scarf kind of a person, but it was so beautiful I will work something out 🙂

First Post Excitement!

Well having joined the world of the bloggers I should start somewhere, so on with the ramblings.

Last night I finished knitting my poncho sweater as designed by Heather Madrone on the Ample Knitters list http://www.ample-knitters.com/ . This morning I washed it and blocked it on the spare room floor (as that is the only large enough flat space in the house where it isn’t likely to get sat on or trodden on). So here is a picture of it drying. In a couple of days when it has dried properly, and hopefully when the weather has cheered up a bit I’ll bully Paul into taking a picture of me in it.

Poncho Sweater Posted by Hello